11th Australia New Zealand Conference in Geomechanics, Melbourne, pp 1371 -1376
Author: Look B.
Shear Strength Anisotropy within an Aged Fill
11th Australia New Zealand Conference in Geomechanics, Melbourne, pp 409 – 414
Quality control specifications for large earthworks projects
International Conference on Ground Improvement and Ground Control, Wollongong, Proceedings of the International Conference on Ground Improvement and Ground Control, pp 1113 – 1118
Residual soil properties of south east Queensland
Australian Geomechanics Journal, Vol 48, No. 1, pp 67 – 76.
Variability in selecting design values in Queensland – A calibration of professional opinions
Australian Geomechanics Journal, Vol 48, No. 1, pp 51 – 66.
A case study of a hillside slope instability in south east Queensland
Australian Geomechanics Journal, Vol 48, No. 1, pp 77 – 84.
Evaluation of borehole layout and interpolation algorithms for site characterisation
ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) – “Foundation Engineering in the Face of Uncertainty”, pp 421 – 433
Assessment of relationship between in-situ modulus derived from DCP and LFWD testing,
5th International Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference – 5iYGEC’13, Paris
Discussion on paper on by S.T. Srithar on “Engineering Design and Earthworks aspects related to Basaltic Clays in Victoria”.
Australian Geomechanics Journal.
A case study – use of expanded polystyrene blocks in landslide remedial works,
4th International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, Brisbane, Australia CD-ROM, pp 365 – 369