5th Intl. Conf. and Exhibition on Piling and Deep Foundations, Belgium, June 1994 pp 1.2.1-1.2.7.
Author: Baycan S.
A New Approach to the Prediction of Rock Anchor Capacity.
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Field Testing of Bored Piles in Weak Rock.
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Performance vs Prediction of Socketed Piles in Rock.
Intl Symposium on Rock Mechanics and Environmental Geotechnology, Chongqing, China, Apr. 1997.
Load displacement performance of bored piles in weak rock.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Geotechnical Seminar on Deep Foundations on Bored and Auger Piles – Deep Foundations on Bored and Auger Piles BAP III, Rotterdam, Netherlands, A.A. Balkema(1998), in W.F. Van Impe & W. Haegeman (eds) : 497 – 504.