Australian Geomechanics Journal, No. 27.
Author: Look, B.G.
Developments in the Construction of Expansive Clay Roadways
Transport Technology Transfer Forum, Queensland Transport.
Performance of a Non Standard Winton Sandstone Paving Material and its Engineering Properties
7th Australia New Zealand Conference in Geomechanics, Adelaide, pp 667 672.
The Standard Penetration Test Procedure in Soil Rock
Australian Geomechanics Journal, No. 32, December, pp 66-68.
The Probability of Failure of the Brisbane River Bank at St Lucia
2nd International Conference on Landslips, Slope Stability and the Safety of Infrastructures, Singapore, pp 209-216.
Minimising the Effect of Construction on the QR Embankments at the South Bank Development
GEOENG 2000, First International Conference on Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Melbourne, Vol 2 and CD-ROM.
Geotechnical Input During the Planning Phase
GEOENG 2000, First International Conference on Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Melbourne, Vol 2 and CD ROM.
A Geotechnical Investigation of Geomechanics in Queensland
Australian Geomechanics Journal, Vol 30, No. 3 pp 5 – 8.
An Engineering Assessment of the Strength and Deformation Properties of Brisbane Rocks
Australian Geomechanics Journal, Vol 36, No. 3, pp 17 – 30.
Rock Strength Properties in South East Queensland
9th Australia New Zealand Conference in Geomechanics, Auckland, N.Z., Vol. 1, pp 196 – 203.