Pile Driving Analyzer Users Day, Cleveland, Ohio, May 1990 : 6/1-6/4.
Author: Seidel J.P.
Dynamic Practices and Testing of Precast Bridge Piling.
Concrete Institute of Australia (NSW) Seminar on Small and Medium Span Bridges, May 1990, pp 2/1-2/10.
Design and Performance of Dynamic Tests of Large Diameter Drilled Shafts.
2nd Intl. Conf. on the Application of Stress-Wave Theory on Piles, Stockholm, May 1984 : 9-16.
Correlation of Static and Dynamic Pile Tests on Large Diameter Drilled Shafts.
2nd Intl. Conf. on the Application of Stress-Wave Theory on Piles, Stockholm, May 1984 : 313-318.
Hume Freeway (Baddaginnie to Bowser) – Broken River and Holland Creek Bridges – Test Piling.
Technical Report No. 73, Road Construction Authority, May 1984. pp1-12.
Two Case Histories of Dynamic Testing of Piles.
ARRB Seminar on Practices and Developments in Bridge Design, Brisbane, September 1985, pp 239-260.
Comparison of Dynamic and Static Testing for Piles founded into Limestone.
3rd Intl. Conf. on the Application of Stress-Wave Theory to Piles, Ottawa, May 1988 : 717-723.
Test Piling Program for Bridges on the Sunshine Motorway in Queensland
15th ARRB Conference, Darwin, August, 1990 Part 3 : 139-153.
The Effect of Pile Relaxation on Toe Capacity and Stiffness.
4th Intl. Conf. on the Application of Stress-Wave Theory to Piles, The Hague, September 1992 : 619-626.
Application of matchstick geometry to stress dependent permeability in coals.
SPE Rocky mountain regional meeting, Casper, Wyoming, 1992 :433-444.