Dynamic Pile Testing
FSG has been Australia’s largest independent pile testing company since 2010.
Our pile testing services are offered nationally either via site attendance by one of our experienced testing engineers, or by remote testing with our engineers logging in to the equipment via modem and directing the test via mobile phone.
Our pile testing services include:
- Dynamic Pile Testing & CAPWAP analysis;
- Static Load Testing;
- Low Strain Integrity Testing (Pulse Echo/Impulse Response);
- Cross Hole Sonic Logging (CSL);
- Thermal Integrity Profiling (TIP);
- Pile Driving Monitor (PDM);
- Cyclic Constant Normal Stiffness (CCNS) Rock Socket Shear Testing;
Dynamic Pile Testing and CAPWAP® Analysis
Technical Leadership
Dynamic pile testing is a highly specialised field, and no-one is better placed in Australia than FSG to provide dynamic pile testing services. Our PDA testing and CAPWAP® Analysis services are carried out by our experienced team of testing engineers, who have extensive expertise in testing of precast, steel, timber and cast-in-situ piles. We support our staff in undertaking the Pile Dynamics Inc. “PDA Proficiency Test”, with a range of personnel across Master and Advanced testing levels, making FSG the clear technical leader in the field. Our testing services are characterised by practicality, efficiency and reliability.
FSG’s testing and analysis is to the highest standard. We only use the latest 8-transducer equipment and we have our own calibration equipment to ensure that strain gauges meet ASTM standard requirements. CAPWAP® analysis is always operated-controlled (not automatic) for ALL tests to ensure geotechnically credible answers of the highest quality.
Big Picture Thinking
At FSG we are always looking at the big picture – do the results make sense? Do the tests paint a consistent picture? Can we develop simple and robust driving and acceptance recommendations? What are the project risks? How can we value-add to the project?
Integrated Service
FSG is not a testing company, its testing services are fully integrated into our design, consulting and construction advice services. We always aim for a best-for-project outcome.
CAPWAP®: Maximum Reliability
CAPWAP® is considered the benchmark method of analysis of dynamic pile testing results. CAPWAP® analysis provides evaluations of pile capacity, the distribution of capacity along the pile shaft and at the pile toe, evaluation of pile stresses and prediction of the static load-settlement response. The analysis process is iterative and operator-dependent. Although in general compression capacity estimates will vary within a relatively small range, the interpreted resistance distribution may vary considerably. This can have a significant impact on the assessment of tension capacity and design correlations. FSG’s strong geotechnical design and construction expertise allows us to provide the highest level of CAPWAP® analysis. FSG aims for maximum reliability and client value by applying the following principles:
- Geotechnically credible solutions compared against local borehole information;
- A company-wide ban on automatic CAPWAP® analysis;
- Every PDA test is accompanied by CAPWAP® analysis;
- Continual site-wide reviews for modelling consistency based on sophisticated database capabilities;
- Over 30 years of experience and understanding of the benefits and limitations of CAPWAP® analysis;
- Extrapolation of the results of CAPWAP® analysis to provide reliable and well considered acceptance criteria, design and construction advice;
- Utilizing the results of CAPWAP® analyses to continually improve our driveability predictions and pile design services;