PhD Dissertation. Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland.
Author: Lacey D.
Characteristic design modulus for rock socket pile design.
12th Australia New Zealand Conference in Geomechanics, Wellington, New Zealand, p051
Evaluation of Subgrade Stiffness using the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
International Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, Perth, pp 171 – 177
“Evaluation of subgrade modulus using weighted depth profiles”
International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 6, pp 215 – 222
Shear Strength Anisotropy within an Aged Fill
11th Australia New Zealand Conference in Geomechanics, Melbourne, pp 409 – 414
Residual soil properties of south east Queensland
Australian Geomechanics Journal, Vol 48, No. 1, pp 67 – 76.
Evaluation of borehole layout and interpolation algorithms for site characterisation
ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) – “Foundation Engineering in the Face of Uncertainty”, pp 421 – 433
“Characteristic values for Rock Socket Design”
18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Paris.
Assessment of relationship between in-situ modulus derived from DCP and LFWD testing,
5th International Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference – 5iYGEC’13, Paris
Spatial and Temporal variability in a residual soil profile,
4th International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, Brisbane, Australia CD-ROM, pp 151 – 156