4th International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, Brisbane, Australia CD-ROM, pp 145 – 150
Author: Look B.
Sudoku and Geotechnical Solutions: Lessons from a Parallel Universe of Limited Data.
Geostrata ASCE Geo-Institute, pp 56 – 60
SPT and PDM – Macro vs micro measurements.
12th Australia New Zealand Conference in Geomechanics, Wellington, New Zealand, P015
Appropriate distribution functions in determining characteristic values.
12th Australia New Zealand Conference in Geomechanics, Wellington, New Zealand, P014
Relative Modulus Improvement due to inclusion of geo-reinforcement within a gravel material.
12th Australia New Zealand Conference in Geomechanics, Wellington, N.Z., p123
Different Conclusions for a Retaining Wall Failure with Saturated vs Unsaturated Soil Mechanics.
Geotechnical & Structural Engineering Congress, Arizona, USA, pp 509 –521.
Working Platforms – to BRE or not to BRE is the question.
Australian Geomechanics Journal, Vol 51, No. 1, pp 11 – 21.
MRTS 04 Earthworks – Background Research incorporated into the specification.
Engineering Technology Forum, Queensland Transport and Main Roads
Characterisation of small strain rock modulus from Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Testing.
5th International conference on geotechnical and geophysical site characterisation, Gold Coast, Australia
The standard SPT – N value errors examined with digital technology.
5th International conference on geotechnical and geophysical site characterisation, Gold Coast, Australia