Year: 1994
An evaluation of empirical correlations for the compression and swell indices for Queensland soil conditions
Australian Geomechanics Journal, No. 25, April, pp 96-101.
Development of a specification for expansive clay road embankments
17th Australian Road Research Board Conference, August, Part 2, pp 249-264.
Application of time domain reflectometry in the design and construction of road embankments
TDR Symposium Northwestern University, pp 410 421.
Field experiences using time domain Reflectometry for monitoring moisture changes in road embankments and pavements
TDR Symposium, Northwestern University, pp 374-385.
Cyclic Shear Testing for Piles in Cemented Calcareous Sands.
4th Intl. Offshore and Polar Engineering Conf., Osaka, April 1994.
Improving the Capacity of Piles in Rock Through the Use of Expansive Cement Additives.
5th Intl. Conf. and Exhibition on Piling and Deep Foundations, Belgium, June 1994 pp 1.2.1-1.2.7.
Prediction of the Variation of Bored Pile Resistance with Soil and Rock Strength.
Australian Geomechanics Journal, August 1994.
Constant Normal Stiffness Testing on Soft Rock-Concrete Interfaces – Performance and Prediction.
Intl. Symp. on Pre-Failure Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials – Measurement and Application, Sapporo, September 1994.